What’s New in SendMyAd: May 2024 Release Notes

What’s New in SendMyAd: May 2024 Release Notes

What’s New in SendMyAd: May 2024 Release Notes

Blanchard Systems is thrilled to introduce a suite of powerful updates and enhancements to SendMyAd as we continue streamlining ad operations workflows.

Today, we’re rolling out significant updates to SendMyAd – each designed to simplify your advertising processes and enhance your overall experience. Let's dive into what’s included in this exciting new release!

1. Introducing a New Interface for the Digital Ad Portal

We’re excited to announce a preview release of our revamped interface for digital ad portal-only customers. Initially launching in light mode, with dark mode soon to follow, this update offers a more cohesive and streamlined experience. For instance, simplified views for campaigns and ads will help you manage your tasks more efficiently.

Access to the new look is invitation-only, so reach out to customersuccess@blansys.com if you’d like to take a peek. New accounts will enjoy the new interface by default.

2. Enhancements Tailored to Digital Advertising

Managing your digital advertisements has never been easier. With today’s release, you’ll enjoy:

  • Scheduled Notifications: Stay on top of your advertising schedules with new, automated notifications that keep you informed about what's coming next.

  • Support for WebP Format: Enhance your digital ads with WebP format support, known for its superior compression and quality.

  • Customizable Metadata Fields: Gain control over your metadata with options to customize fields to be required for publishers, advertisers, or both, ensuring all necessary data is captured.

  • Auxiliary Units for Campaigns: We now support auxiliary unit types like Excel, Powerpoint, Adobe Illustrator, and more. This allows the collection of non-preflightable files that are crucial for your campaigns.

3. General Portal Improvements

SendMyAd’s overall user interface and experience are getting major uplifts:

  • Enhanced Functionality: From express advertiser account creation to improved delivery failure notes and robust API integrations, every change is aimed at making your experience as smooth as possible.

  • In-Portal Feature Tours: New feature tours embedded directly within SendMyAd will guide you through new capabilities and updates without needing to leave the platform.

  • Efficient Feedback Process: Quick surveys now integrated within the portal allow you to provide feedback effortlessly, helping us better meet your needs.

These enhancements to SendMyAd are part of our ongoing commitment to providing a superior ad management platform that meets and exceeds your needs. Whether you’re a new user or have been with us for years, these updates are designed to improve productivity and simplify workflows across your team.

We invite you to stay connected as we continue to innovate and enhance SendMyAd. For any questions or early access, please contact our customer success team at customersuccess@blansys.com.

Here’s to making your advertising efforts even more successful with SendMyAd!